Applying for a dropped kerb.

Applying for a dropped kerb.
This can vary a little depending on where you live, and in the first instance you should contact your local council for their own procedures and guidelines.

Below is a fairly typical idea of what is involved, based on “the construction of a Vehicle Crossing over Footways or Verges – SECTION 171 & 184, HIGHWAYS ACT 1980”

How do I apply?
Contact your own county council to obtain an application form. If you need assistance to complete the form please telephone your council. They will most likely arrange to undertake an initial assessment with you by telephone and provide advice on whether to proceed. If they believe you need planning permission, they will refer you to the Local Planning Authority.

There are two stages to the application process:

Stage 1 Location Approval
You apply for permission for the location of the vehicle crossing – @£105.00 (non-refundable). Make sure you complete the form in full and supply the required additional documents. If your application is approved you will be sent the documents for Stage 2.

Stage 2 Construction Approval
You must apply for permission for your competent contractor to construct the crossing – @£130.00 (non-refundable) Failure to obtain permission may result in enforcement proceedings against you.

The fees contribute towards the Council’s costs in processing the applications and inspections of the site and works.

How long does the location approval take?
They aim to process your stage 1 application within 28 days with a decision. They will notify you of the outcome in writing.

How long does the construction approval take?
Typically allow 28 days for approval to be granted for your chosen contractor to work on the highway, so carefully consider the timing of your application. They will notify you of the outcome in writing. You must not proceed with the work until you have obtained written approval from the County Council for the construction stage

When do I need to get the work completed?
Work to construct the crossing must be completed within 6 months from the date of the location approval document from your County Council.

Why is the approval time limited?
The situation may change, for instance new parking restrictions or street furniture, therefore it is important the approved work is done within the 6 month timescale.

What happens if I do not get the work completed in time?
If you still wish to go ahead, you will need to reapply and pay the fees again.

How do I select a contractor?
It is important you select a competent contractor to undertake the work. Work must be done by a contractor that is suitably qualified to work on the highway and adequately insured. Therefore when selecting a contractor, you need to check with them that they:

• Are covered for Public Liability insurance in the sum of £5 million pounds
• Have staff trained to work on the highway (Chapter 8 qualified).

The County Council will ask the contractor to provide evidence of the above when they apply to do the work and if they do not supply the necessary paperwork, they will not be permitted to work on the highway.

What does my contractor need to do?

a) You, or your contractor acting on your behalf, must submit an application to the County Council requesting permission to carry out the work. The application process will take up to 28 days and currently costs £130. If the contractor applies on your behalf, it is likely they will recharge this fee to you, so be aware to check if it is included in the quotation you receive.

b) Your contractor must also check whether there are any utility apparatus (pipes, covers, chambers) within the work area. If utility apparatus is present, your contractor will need to liase with the utility companies concerned for any alterations needed to their apparatus. You will have to pay for these changes to the utility apparatus. The utility company can insist that their own contractor does the works to their apparatus. Therefore you will need to allow sufficient time for the utility company to organise the work.

c) The contractor must build the crossing in accordance with the specification and conditions set out in the approval document sent to you by the County Council. Failure to comply can result in enforcement action against you by the County Council

What are my ongoing responsibilities?
You are held liable by the County Council for the work undertaken by your contractor both during the work and for a maintenance period of 2 years following completion of the work.

If the County Council inspects the area within this time and finds the standard to be inadequate, the County Council will make good and recharge you for the costs incurred. It is therefore very important for you to select a reputable contractor.

You are reminded that the vehicle crossing comprises part of the public highway. The County Council may decide to take a core sample to check that construction complies with the specification. This will make a hole in the surface, which will be back filled with material. If the construction is found to be non-compliant, the County Council may initiate enforcement procedures.

You must ensure vehicles parked on your driveway do not obstruct the footway or verge.