Please contact us if you need advice regarding life changes, including career pathways.
Communicating over the phone
Counselling, life coaching, freeway, reiki, visualisation therapy, by distance treatment.
By distance treatment also includes conversations over the phone and e-mail, so you know we are only a short click away. You can e-mail or telephone us for an initial assessment and we will together decide the method to use for further communication. we apply considerably flexability to accommodate everyone.
Other types of therapy:
Visulisation Therapy is a slightly different way of dealing with your problems. Through a light trance state we will help you to visualise the past as well as the present and the future.
A team of qualified therapists will be able to help you to visualise the different outcomes to your particular problem.
Kick start your health career
oining either the health or beauty industry is beyond rewarding. Knowing you can help somebody with their general health, including mental health and aesthetic appeal really makes it the best industry to work in. Once you’re in, you have no regrets about doing something you love. See training.
Parenting support
Most parents want to do their best for their children but for many, living with disadvantage can severely compromise their ability. Poverty, unsuitable and insecure housing, domestic violence, lone parenthood, and being a young parent can all Residential Care Homes disrupt a parent's ability to cope, and families under stress need extra support.
By providing access to information sessions for parents at key transition points in their children's lives, parenting programmes, family learning sessions and signposting, schools can help children's learning and behaviour.
Looking for a job after a long-ish break, or returning after maternity leave? We've got info about benefits, employment rights, childcare, flexible working plus MN tips on job applications and interviews.
Sometimes, all a family needs are some structure and some practice at working together to get them back on track. This section is full of sound, Supernanny advice on creating and maintaining family routine and cooperation.