What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia

What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia
In 1999 Dr. St. Amand, an experienced endocrinolost and UCLA assistant clinical professor, published his effective protocol for reversing fibromyalgia, based on nearly half a century of research, including his own experience with the disease and that of hundreds of his patients. Years later, thousands of fibromyalgia sufferers have followed Dr. St. Amand’s revolutionary program and have experienced amazing results.

This third edition of the book offers the latest research and Dr. St. Amand’s breakthrough program that uses guaifenesin, an inexpensive, safe and increasingly available medication that can help reverse the disease.

The authors have seen symptoms eliminated and normal living restored in an astonishing 90 percent of the fibromyalgia sufferers they treated with guaifenesin. In this edition, readers will find more patient anecdotes and a deeper understanding of patient symptoms, treatment, and results, including:

* More information about the current treatment of fibromyalgia and what causes it
* New results from Dr. St. Amand’s City of Hope study about the efficacy of the guaifenesin treatment
* Changes in disease protocol A discussion of pharmaceuticals in treatment, and why ‘medical Band-Aids’ won’t treat the disease

What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia: The Revolutionary Treatment That Can Reverse the Disease, is available on Amazon


The only book that offers answers to fibromyalgia sufferers to treat themselves and reverse this little understood disease.
I’d been getting progressively more incapacitated by chronic pain and fatigue year by year to the point that I had to quit my job and was seriously close to becoming housebound. That’s until I discovered this book just over a year ago. Only a few months after discovering I had fibromyalgia and being told there was no treatment, I read the book and it answered all the questions about what had been happening to me over the years and how to treat it. I’m now getting my life back after a year on the protocol. It’s crucial to follow the protocol to the letter and stick with it, but when you do that IT WILL WORK. I’ve suffered with progressively worsening symptoms all my adult life, so the longer you’ve suffered and the more advanced the Fibro, the longer your recovery time will be and it’s not a quick fix or a miracle cure, but it IS a treatment programme that when properly followed will prove itself with noticeable results.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia
This book contains a lot of information about fibromyalgia. It is a lot to take in for anyone with fibromyalgia, but the contents are the best I have seen so far. It states the facts and doesnt over or under exagerate the illness. Every Fibro sufferer is different to the next person, and the books makes this perfectly clear.
I aim to follow the protocol, hopefully with my GP’s help. There are a lot of bad days ahead, but then in the long term hopefully every day will be good. S Reid

The Man is a God!!!
I’ve suffered fibro for at least 12 years, taking a major turn for the worst in 2009, finally becoming bed ridden, living back at parents!!! (In 2006 I was instructing climbing and a sports massage therapist!! so NO I’m NOT lazy and NO it wasn’t all in my head) which is what many uneducated, ignorant Dr’s believe. I was suicidal, as a last resort I read this book and decided what have I got to loose!!! I followed the protocol TO THE LETTER (V important, joined the UK Support group (V helpful lovely people), it’s not an easy protocol but the results are astounding. Today Jan 1012 I went swimming, swam 25 lengths! yesterday me and a friend took dogs out (4 of them!!) and went for a 2.5 mile walk and for coffee after!!! pre guai I could not get down the stairs!! my mum had to wash my hair for me!! I’ve been on it 15 mths now. There are MANY sceptics to the protocol, but to them I say ‘up yours’ it works!!! i’m getting my life back.

What Your Dr May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia: The Revolutionary Treatment That Can Reverse the Disease, is available on Amazon