Want to get out and about

Want to get out and about
I wanted to tell you about a website which I have set up to help people with disabilities to get more out of tourism. Please take a look: getaboutmobility.co.uk

I set up Getabout when I found that it was difficult to find accessible attractions I could visit with a less able family member. Due to the Disability Discrimination Act many more attractions are accessible but this information is not widely available.

This web site has been set up to allow less able people to have better knowledge of the accessibility of attractions. It is free to use, and it is hoped that people will then have better confidence that their needs will be met on a day out and will be more likely to get involved in activities.

The aim of the web site is to provide information to people with disabilities about the accessibility of activities and attractions We aim to provide thorough information and reviews about attractions around the country, focusing on their accessibility, and reviews from people who have actually visited them.

Attractions are constantly being added, and the database will soon be nationwide.

A key feature of the web site is that users are able to leave comments about attractions. You can then read reviews left by real people before visiting an attraction. We are also running a prize draw at the moment if you add a review of an attraction to the site!

We really hope that you find the site useful, and look forward to hearing any comments which you may have particularly in these early stages. Contact details are on the website. Please take a look, getaboutmobility.co.uk