

Ricability is a national charity that researches products and services for ease of use by older and disabled people.

It publishes free consumer reports on central heating controls, community alarms, digital TV, driving/car adaptations, technology at home, wheelchairs, and a guide to using wheelchairs on public transport. These can be ordered by post (postage payable) or downloaded from the website.

The website also features a guide giving useful information on choosing an outdoor powered wheelchair or scooter.

About Ricability

Ricability is the trading name of the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs (RICA). We are a national research charity dedicated to providing independent information of value to disabled and older consumers.

Under our trading name of Ricability, we research and publish consumer reports. They are all based on rigorous research and provide practical information needed by disabled and older consumers.

As the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs we also work with manufacturers, service providers, regulators and policy makers to improve products and services. Our aim is to increase their awareness of the needs of disabled and older consumers through specialist research.



Ricability carries out research and publishes information to enable disabled and older people to live independently.

This includes:

* Evaluation – user and technical tests, surveys and other assessments carried out on a wide range of products and services
* Publication of guides for disabled consumers
* Research commissioned by other organisations, but of ultimate value to the disabled consumer
* Improving the standards of products and services by making manufacturers, service providers and regulators aware of the needs of older and disabled people

Ricability staff design and manage all its research, although specialised services are commissioned from appropriate organisations and individuals.

Our research:
* Aims to create a market, which meets the needs of older and disabled consumers
* Involves older and disabled people at every stage
* Is shared freely with disability and other organisations

Working for change

Ricability is actively involved with a number of groups and working parties, specifically concerned with consumer issues around product and services for older and disabled people, including:

* ANEC (European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation): Special Needs Working Group, Domestic Appliances Working Group
* British Standards Institution
* EIID (European Institute for Inclusive Design)
* National Information Forum
* UKIID (United Kingdom Institute for Inclusive Design)