Guide to Finding a Job for People with Disabilities

Guide to Finding a Job for People with Disabilities
The Job industry is really competitive: nevertheless, if you’re counted as an individual with a disability in physical or mental impairments, don’t you ever let anyone discriminate against your will to be employed. Know that you’re protected by law and you’ll make it through successfully! Besides, unemployed people with disabilities can send the application to the Disability Determination Services office claiming to receive a confirmation from the government that would prove your disability as they’ll be applying for jobs.

But first, let us help you out with finding the right strategy for disabled people to get their foot in the door of the workforce and hopefully stay there for long.

1. Mention Work Experience

To find a proper job you’ll need to analyze your current abilities and skills and one of the best ways to do it is assessing your previous job positions where you’d been counted as a disabled individual. Here you should consider your help responsibilities and how successfully you’ve been performing your job. Remember: the following information in your resume makes a lot of sense to your potential employers.

P.S. At best, we recommend you turning to professional resume writing assistants, as such job candidates with disabilities like you get on a very special list of employers, who might be questioned at almost anything that seems unclear to them. A review of resume professional writers would help you out with the right choice of a resume provider.

2. Think of Your Physical and Mental Abilities

Apparently, people owning any kind of disability, have limits to either their physical or mental performance, therefore, you’d better make a list of all work-related activities you’re not able to complete. Those could be simple movements, like lifting large objects, climbing stairs or mental disorders related to remembering a huge chunk of information or comprehension.

Keep in mind that almost any factors can be worked out and discussed with the employer beforehand. For instance, people on wheelchairs may get an assistant to help them reaching certain objects or moving around, and people with disabilities to see, hear, speak or write may note down in the application that they’re to bring that up during the interview.

3. Research Online Hiring Agencies and Websites

Nowadays, reaching this sort of information is as easy as pie. In order to explore your career opportunities, visit sites like,, and All of them consider being great resources for disabled people hosting hundreds of employers willing to hire purposeful and ambitious individuals to their companies. Check them all out!

4. Turn to Temporary Agencies

Temp agencies provide workers to a variety of businesses via short-term contracts or indefinite temporary positions. Consider of turning to one of the largest temp agencies: Manpower and Kelly Services.

5. Search for Programs Sponsored by the Government

Although you won’t be able to receive a grant for being an individual with a disability, here’s a list of several helpful government programs and resources for disabled people looking for employment:, Selective Placement, the Workforce Recruitment Program and the Pathways Program.

6. Consider Telecommuting Jobs

Telecommuting jobs can become your perfect solution: they are easily adjustable under your specific work conditions and flexible in terms of the work schedule and other specific aspects. Nowadays there exist jobs in almost any specialization that allows people of different expertise build their career distantly.

7. Think of Self-Employment

Either it’s freelance or a totally new business, both could be another alternative for traditional employment. After all, if you’ve come up with some cool and creative ideas about your small startup, then why not Look for online entrepreneurship resources for business owners with disabilities and assess your chances to gain success in what you’re planning to do.