Campaigns – Congestion Charging and Road Pricing
When congestion charging was first introduced to London Disabled Motoring UK campaigned successfully for all Blue Badge holders to be exempt from paying this charge. However, we are very concerned by proposals to introduce road pricing and congestion charging into more of our cities – as there is no guarantee that disabled people will be exempt.
Until public transport is fully accessible disabled people have no option but to use their cars. Disabled Motoring UK is working hard to try and secure a national exemption for all disabled people from tolls and other road usage charges.
However, when Director of Policy and Campaigns Helen Dolphin met with the then Transport Minister Rosie Winterton in 2008 she refused, on the grounds that “Local councils understand the transport needs of local Blue Badge holders and so it should be left for them to make the decision”.
However, we know from experience that many disabled people don’t feel that their local council understand their transport needs at all.
Disabled Motoring UK fought and won in London – but to campaign in every city, for an exemption from every congestion charge scheme, will be a huge undertaking. Disabled Motoring UK is therefore appealing for help to ensure that Blue Badge holders have exemption from congestion charges.
Helen Dolphin says:
“I urge you to write to your MP asking for a national exemption from the charge. Don’t forget to mention the problems of using public transport, getting to a bus stop or tram station in the first place and the inconvenience of having to apply for a concession in every city that you visit.
If you know other Blue Badge holders who aren’t a member of Disabled Motoring UK- start recruiting! The more people we represent, the more able we are to affect a change in government policy.”