Back Up

Back Up
We understand that a spinal cord injury can be devastating but believe it shouldn’t stop anyone from getting the most out of life.

We are here to inspire independence in anyone affected by spinal cord injury and to encourage everyone to get the most from their lives. We work with people of all ages, from young children to the elderly, whatever the motivation or background.

We rely on a vital family of volunteers, mentors and skilled professionals, who provide unrivalled support and enthusiasm for our work and who help us deliver services that rebuild confidence and self-belief.

We help people realise their ambitions and overcome prejudice, creating the opportunity to transform lives.

At Back Up we know a spinal cord injury can be devastating, but we believe that it shouldn’t prevent anyone from getting the most out of life.

Back Up is for everyone affected by spinal cord injury, regardless of age, level of injury, or background. We are here for family members too.

Our services include mentoring, wheelchair skills training and activity courses as well as support in getting back to work or school after an injury. All our services help to build confidence and independence.

We help you get your life back and achieve your goals – whether these are about family, work, lifestyle, social life, travel, or simply to feel positive about the future. Enabling you to lead a more independent life

Getting on the bus, going to the local shops or the pub, playing with your children or grandchildren in the park, or just safely carrying a cup of tea from the kitchen to your living room – that’s what wheelchair skills training is all about.

A typical session at a hospital will cover pushing technique, getting over obstacles, tackling kerbs and thresholds, back-wheel balancing and may also cover steps and transfers if time and equipment allows.

The sessions are always tailored to the group and we run both manual and power chair training sessions. All our wheelchair skills trainers have a spinal cord injury and can draw from their own experiences to find the best way to teach you.

If you are interested in more intensive wheelchair skills training to further develop skills and confidence, you can find out more information about wheelchair skills by emailing the Outreach & Support Team or calling us on 020 8875 1805.

We are always looking for new people to help us deliver our training courses. Find out information on volunteering as a trainer.

Back Up wheelchair skills training is supported by the Big Lottery Fund, Coloplast and Origin Care.