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Assisted transport services in Greater London

Assisted transport services in Greater London
Public transport in London is becoming more accessible, with buses, London taxis, the Docklands Light Railway and London Tramlink all providing accessible services. In addition many private hire (minicab) firms operate wheelchair accessible vehicles.

However, if you are older or disabled and public transport is not always accessible to you, assisted transport services may be the answer.

The Assisted transport services leaflet outlines assisted travel options including Dial-a-Ride, Taxicard and Capital Call, as well as community transport schemes.

You can use assisted travel to go shopping, visit friends or family, go to the library, or for other recreational purposes. However, you cannot use these services for work or hospital appointments.

Included in the Assisted transport services Guide are:

Travel Mentoring Service
Capital Call
Mobility assessments
Community Transport and other assisted transport services
Alternative formats of the leaflet
Community Transport services
Shopmobility services

You can view the guide here